Sim Tools Simulation Batch Data


Decode Slot Usage Plot

st-scrape weaksm.19 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize-user.scrape --plot-outliers-clip --plot c_dsu_commit c_dsu_other c_dsu_mispred_s c_dsu_rob_full_s
Decode slot usage graph.

List of Tables

  • Data Overview
  • Branch Predictor Data
  • Cache Data

    Simulated Configurations

    st-scrape weaksm.19 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize-user.scrape --uniq fSystem fbpmethod fROB fIW fmt_thread_limit fL1Line fL1A fL1_kiB fL1Lat fL2_kiB fL2A fcL2Lat fMemLat
    Fetch Mechanism
    Branch Predictor
    Decode Width
    Line Size
    L1 Assoc.
    L1 Latency
    L2 Assoc.
    L2 Latency
    Mem Latency
    0MBP-1 0yags 0256 08 0200 064 04 064 01 02048 08 016 0100

    Simulated Benchmarks

    scpu00.bzip2.ah.web100 scpu00.crafty.lgred scpu00.gzip.ah.log scpu00.vpr.ah.ref

    Data Overview

    st-scrape weaksm.19 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark fSystem fROB fIW fL1_kiB fL2_kiB dcycles cipc cbp_ratio cl1hr cl2hr
    Run ID
    Fetch Mechanism
    Decode Width
    Execution Time
    BP Ratio
    L1 Hit Ratio
    L2 Hit Ratio
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.19.001 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 5112338928 22.559 110.9687 30.9637 10.9956
    1weaksm.19.002 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 8113515414 02.533 90.9629 50.9638 20.9956
    2weaksm.19.003 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 7113250822 12.539 100.9687 40.9638 00.9956
    3weaksm.19.004 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 163752487 73.478 60.9446 70.9764 70.9984
    4weaksm.19.005 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 264956915 63.413 30.9385 80.9765 60.9984
    5weaksm.19.006 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 063571780 83.488 70.9447 60.9764 80.9984
    6weaksm.19.007 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 3106508884 52.817 20.9173 00.9413 30.9962
    7weaksm.19.008 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 6113211836 32.650 00.9110 20.9426 50.9963
    8weaksm.19.009 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 4110427313 42.717 10.9129 10.9423 40.9962
    9weaksm.19.010 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 11242767536 94.394 40.9434 110.9942 110.9998
    10weaksm.19.011 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 10240242066 104.440 50.9443 100.9942 100.9998
    11weaksm.19.012 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 9238130344 114.479 80.9465 90.9942 90.9998

    Branch Predictor Data

    st-scrape weaksm.19 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark fbpmethod fbphistory cbp_ratio cbp_bad_ratio cbp_bad_rate dttrbpc cbp_bad_impact
    Run ID
    Branch Predictor
    BP History Length
    BP Ratio
    BP Bad Ratio
    BP Bad / M Insn
    Time to Resolve Mispred. Branch
    BP Bad Impact
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.19.001 2gzip 0yags 016 110.9687 00.0313 24593 824.3 50.8928
    1weaksm.19.002 2gzip 0yags 016 90.9629 20.0371 55451 622.7 70.9899
    2weaksm.19.003 2gzip 0yags 016 100.9687 10.0313 34593 824.3 60.8929
    3weaksm.19.004 0bzip2 0yags 016 60.9446 50.0554 76728 216.4 40.8827
    4weaksm.19.005 0bzip2 0yags 016 30.9385 80.0615 87479 318.6 81.1129
    5weaksm.19.006 0bzip2 0yags 016 70.9447 40.0553 66717 216.4 30.8813
    6weaksm.19.007 3vpr 0yags 016 20.9173 90.0827 99859 723.9 111.8850
    7weaksm.19.008 3vpr 0yags 016 00.9110 110.0890 1110603 422.1 101.8747
    8weaksm.19.009 3vpr 0yags 016 10.9129 100.0871 1010377 522.5 91.8679
    9weaksm.19.010 1crafty 0yags 016 40.9434 70.0566 44660 015.3 20.5704
    10weaksm.19.011 1crafty 0yags 016 50.9443 60.0557 14584 115.4 10.5647
    11weaksm.19.012 1crafty 0yags 016 80.9465 30.0535 04399 115.4 00.5419

    Cache Data

    st-scrape weaksm.19 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0019/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark cncpi c_load_nc_l2_impact c_load_nc_local_impact c_load c_load_nc c_load_per_insn c_load_nc_per_insn c_load_nc_by_per_nc c_load_nc_l1_per_nc c_load_nc_l2_per_nc c_load_nc_local_per_nc
    Run ID
    NC L2 Impact
    NC Mem Impact
    NC Loads
    Loads / Insn
    NC Loads / Insn
    NC LSQ / NC Load
    NC L1 / NC Load
    NC L2 / NC Load
    NC Mem / NC Load
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.19.001 2gzip 93.126 70.786 50.025 055046410 052074055 00.1915 00.1811 50.0613 30.9046 80.0339 80.0002
    1weaksm.19.002 2gzip 113.158 80.786 50.025 055046410 252134631 00.1915 20.1813 30.0607 50.9053 70.0339 60.0002
    2weaksm.19.003 2gzip 103.151 60.786 60.025 055046410 152125283 00.1915 10.1813 40.0609 40.9051 60.0339 70.0002
    3weaksm.19.004 0bzip2 42.300 40.750 40.009 158934566 457595261 30.2658 100.2598 00.0423 110.9351 40.0226 40.0000
    4weaksm.19.005 0bzip2 52.344 30.748 30.009 158934566 557665601 30.2658 110.2601 10.0427 100.9348 30.0225 30.0000
    5weaksm.19.006 0bzip2 32.294 50.751 40.009 158934566 357592752 30.2658 90.2598 20.0427 90.9347 50.0226 50.0000
    6weaksm.19.007 3vpr 62.840 111.509 90.042 269263773 666177840 20.2309 60.2206 110.0854 00.8610 110.0534 110.0002
    7weaksm.19.008 3vpr 83.019 91.497 70.040 269263773 866285886 20.2309 80.2210 90.0743 20.8726 90.0529 90.0002
    8weaksm.19.009 3vpr 72.945 101.497 80.041 269263773 766263547 20.2309 70.2209 100.0788 10.8681 100.0530 100.0002
    9weaksm.19.010 1crafty 21.821 10.134 00.000 3208007741 10206899320 10.1950 40.1940 60.0663 80.9283 10.0054 00.0000
    10weaksm.19.011 1crafty 11.802 00.134 10.000 3208007741 11206899460 10.1950 50.1940 70.0670 70.9276 00.0054 10.0000
    11weaksm.19.012 1crafty 01.786 20.134 20.000 3208007741 9206899003 10.1950 30.1940 80.0673 60.9273 20.0054 20.0000