Sim Tools Simulation Batch Data


Decode Slot Usage Plot

st-scrape weaksm.56 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize-user.scrape --plot-outliers-clip --plot c_dsu_commit c_dsu_other c_dsu_mispred_s c_dsu_rob_full_s
Decode slot usage graph.

List of Tables

  • Data Overview
  • Branch Predictor Data
  • Cache Data

    Simulated Configurations

    st-scrape weaksm.56 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize-user.scrape --uniq fWPSat fSystem fbpmethod fROB fIW fmt_thread_limit fL1Line fL1A fL1_kiB fL1Lat fL2_kiB fL2A fcL2Lat fMemLat
    Fetch Mechanism
    Branch Predictor
    Decode Width
    Line Size
    L1 Assoc.
    L1 Latency
    L2 Assoc.
    L2 Latency
    Mem Latency
    02 0MBP-1 0yags 0256 08 0200 064 04 064 01 02048 08 016 0100
    14 0MBP-1 0yags 0256 08 0200 064 04 064 01 02048 08 016 0100
    28 0MBP-1 0yags 0256 08 0200 064 04 064 01 02048 08 016 0100

    Simulated Benchmarks

    scpu00.bzip2.ah.web100 scpu00.crafty.lgred scpu00.gzip.ah.log scpu00.vpr.ah.ref

    Data Overview

    st-scrape weaksm.56 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark fSystem fROB fIW fL1_kiB fL2_kiB fWPSat dcycles cipc cbp_ratio cl1hr cl2hr
    Run ID
    Fetch Mechanism
    Decode Width
    Execution Time
    BP Ratio
    L1 Hit Ratio
    L2 Hit Ratio
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.56.001 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 02 4113275395 42.538 110.9701 30.9634 10.9956
    1weaksm.56.002 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 14 5113453147 32.534 100.9698 40.9634 20.9956
    2weaksm.56.003 2gzip 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 28 6113472117 22.534 90.9696 50.9634 00.9956
    3weaksm.56.004 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 02 063684076 83.481 60.9471 60.9764 80.9984
    4weaksm.56.005 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 14 263971395 63.466 40.9461 80.9764 70.9984
    5weaksm.56.006 0bzip2 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 28 163871108 73.471 30.9450 70.9764 60.9984
    6weaksm.56.007 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 02 8122708530 02.445 20.9189 20.9434 50.9965
    7weaksm.56.008 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 14 7118642014 12.529 10.9180 10.9426 40.9964
    8weaksm.56.009 3vpr 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 28 3111429862 52.692 00.9149 00.9407 30.9962
    9weaksm.56.010 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 02 9237202685 114.497 80.9516 110.9941 90.9998
    10weaksm.56.011 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 14 10237557472 104.490 70.9500 100.9941 110.9998
    11weaksm.56.012 1crafty 0MBP-1 0256 08 064 02048 28 11237975031 94.482 50.9471 90.9941 100.9998

    Branch Predictor Data

    st-scrape weaksm.56 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark fbpmethod fbphistory fWPSat cbp_ratio cbp_bad_ratio cbp_bad_rate dttrbpc cbp_bad_impact
    Run ID
    Branch Predictor
    BP History Length
    BP Ratio
    BP Bad Ratio
    BP Bad / M Insn
    Time to Resolve Mispred. Branch
    BP Bad Impact
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.56.001 2gzip 0yags 016 02 110.9701 00.0299 34389 724.3 50.8532
    1weaksm.56.002 2gzip 0yags 016 14 100.9698 10.0302 44430 724.3 60.8612
    2weaksm.56.003 2gzip 0yags 016 28 90.9696 20.0304 54473 724.3 80.8695
    3weaksm.56.004 0bzip2 0yags 016 02 60.9471 50.0529 66427 115.9 30.8175
    4weaksm.56.005 0bzip2 0yags 016 14 40.9461 70.0539 76553 216.0 40.8388
    5weaksm.56.006 0bzip2 0yags 016 28 30.9450 80.0550 86680 316.2 70.8657
    6weaksm.56.007 3vpr 0yags 016 02 20.9189 90.0811 99661 420.6 91.5922
    7weaksm.56.008 3vpr 0yags 016 14 10.9180 100.0820 109770 521.5 101.6805
    8weaksm.56.009 3vpr 0yags 016 28 00.9149 110.0851 1110137 622.5 111.8247
    9weaksm.56.010 1crafty 0yags 016 02 80.9516 30.0484 03980 015.4 00.4904
    10weaksm.56.011 1crafty 0yags 016 14 70.9500 40.0500 14111 015.4 10.5065
    11weaksm.56.012 1crafty 0yags 016 28 50.9471 60.0529 24356 015.4 20.5366

    Cache Data

    st-scrape weaksm.56 --spec-reset --settings-omit-default --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize.scrape --settings /home/cmichael/dis-work/weakened/st/datasets/batch.weaksm.0056/settings-htmlize-user.scrape fSerial fBenchmark fWPSat cncpi c_load_nc_l2_impact c_load_nc_local_impact c_load c_load_nc c_load_per_insn c_load_nc_per_insn c_load_nc_by_per_nc c_load_nc_l1_per_nc c_load_nc_l2_per_nc c_load_nc_local_per_nc
    Run ID
    NC L2 Impact
    NC Mem Impact
    NC Loads
    Loads / Insn
    NC Loads / Insn
    NC LSQ / NC Load
    NC L1 / NC Load
    NC L2 / NC Load
    NC Mem / NC Load
    Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort Sort
    0weaksm.56.001 2gzip 02 73.152 70.786 50.025 055046410 252120401 00.1915 20.1813 50.0712 30.8947 70.0339 60.0002
    1weaksm.56.002 2gzip 14 83.157 80.786 50.025 055046410 152119734 00.1915 10.1813 40.0705 40.8955 80.0339 70.0002
    2weaksm.56.003 2gzip 28 93.157 60.786 60.025 055046410 052118158 00.1915 00.1813 30.0702 50.8958 60.0339 80.0002
    3weaksm.56.004 0bzip2 02 32.298 50.744 30.009 158934566 357586502 30.2658 90.2597 00.0508 110.9267 50.0224 40.0000
    4weaksm.56.005 0bzip2 14 52.308 40.744 30.009 158934566 457590400 30.2658 100.2598 10.0509 100.9267 40.0224 30.0000
    5weaksm.56.006 0bzip2 28 42.305 30.744 40.009 158934566 557597837 30.2658 110.2598 20.0517 90.9259 30.0224 50.0000
    6weaksm.56.007 3vpr 02 113.272 91.453 70.037 269263729 866416793 20.2309 80.2214 90.0911 20.8574 90.0513 90.0002
    7weaksm.56.008 3vpr 14 103.164 101.467 80.038 269263729 766331021 20.2309 70.2211 100.0937 10.8543 100.0518 100.0002
    8weaksm.56.009 3vpr 28 62.971 111.496 90.042 269263729 666256028 20.2309 60.2209 110.1040 00.8429 110.0529 110.0002
    9weaksm.56.010 1crafty 02 01.779 00.134 20.000 3208007741 11206905488 10.1950 50.1940 60.0782 80.9164 00.0054 20.0000
    10weaksm.56.011 1crafty 14 11.782 10.134 00.000 3208007741 10206903610 10.1950 40.1940 70.0784 70.9162 10.0054 00.0000
    11weaksm.56.012 1crafty 28 21.785 20.135 10.000 3208007741 9206896413 10.1950 30.1940 80.0791 60.9155 20.0054 10.0000